Scriptname WEScript extends Quest Conditional
{Extends Quest. Used for Wilderness Encounter quests, has common properties, functions, etc.}
WEParentScript Property WEParentS Auto
{MANDATORY: All WExx quests must set this property. Pointer to WEParentScript on WEParent Quest}
Scene Property SceneA Auto
{Optional: Use if you need to refer to a scene in your quest fragment script}
Scene Property SceneB Auto
{Optional: Use if you need to refer to another scene in your quest fragment script}
bool Property StopQuestWhenAliasesUnload = True auto
{Default = true, once all the aliases unload, the quest should stop}
float Property StopQuestPollingFrequencey = 1.0 Auto
{Default = 1.0, in game day hours, how often should this quest poll to see if all it's aliases are unloaded and shut down. Works only if StopQuestWhenAliasesUnload == true, and at least one alias script is flagged with RegisterLoadingAndUnloading == true.}
float Property Num1 auto conditional
{Generic Conditional Float property for use by Result and Quest Stage fragments.}
float Property Num2 auto conditional
{Generic Conditional Float property for use by Result and Quest Stage fragments.}
float Property Num3 auto conditional
{Generic Conditional Float property for use by Result and Quest Stage fragments.}
int Property SceneStage auto Hidden Conditional ;can be used on scene action conditions (like conditionalizing a stack of repeating infos)
bool registeredForUpdate
int CountOfLoadedAliases
Event OnUpdateGameTime()
; debug.trace(self + "OnUpdateGameTime()")
if countOfLoadedAliases < 1
; debug.trace(self + "OnUpdateGameTime() countOfLoadedAliases < 1, stopping quest.")
function AliasLoadingOrUnloading(bool isLoading)
if isLoading
countOfLoadedAliases += 1
countOfLoadedAliases -= 1
; debug.trace(self + "AliasLoadingOrUnloading() set countOfLoadedAliases =" + countOfLoadedAliases)
Function RegisterForStopQuest() ;called above, and in the rare/impossible scenario of a WEAliasScript reference trying to detach before it has ever attached
if registeredForUpdate == false && StopQuestPollingFrequencey
; debug.trace(self + "AliasLoadingOrUnloading()calling RegisterForUpdateGameTime(" + StopQuestPollingFrequencey + ") so we can check if all the aliases are still unloaded and then shut down the quest")
registeredForUpdate = True
Function pacifyAlias(ReferenceAlias AliasToPacify)
{Casts AliasToPacify as actor, and adds him to WETemporaryPlayerFriends, and makes sure it's AI data will prevent it from normally being aggressive.}
Actor ActorRef = AliasToPacify.GetActorReference()
; debug.trace(self + "pacifyAlias(" + AliasToPacify + ") setting aggression to 0 and calling StopCombat()")
actorRef.SetActorValue("Aggression", 0)
function makeAliasAggressiveAndAttackPlayer(ReferenceAlias AliasToAnger)
{Casts AliasToAnger as actor, and removes him from WEParentS.WEPlayerFriends, adds him to WEParentS.WEPlayerEnemy, makes his AI aggressive, and calls startCombat() on the player.}
Actor ActorRef = AliasToAnger.GetActorReference()
; debug.trace(self + "makeAliasAggressiveAndAttackPlayer(" + AliasToAnger + ") removing actor (" + ActorRef + ") from WEPlayerFriend faction, adding to WEPlayerEnemy, and setting aggression to 2 if it's currently lower than 2")
if actorRef.GetActorValue("Aggression") < 2
actorRef.SetActorValue("Aggression", 2)